30 days Return Back

30-DAY Refund Guarantee

We understand that sometimes our products may not fully meet your expectations, and for this, we sincerely apologize. If this occurs, please contact service@tabletace.com as soon as possible and provide us with comprehensive images of the product and packaging within 30 days of purchase. We will promptly arrange after-sales service.

All items are eligible for return or exchange within 30 days from delivery. Tabletace holds a Return Merchandise Authorization, requiring you to cover return shipping and insurance fees.

Please be aware that items must be in their original condition upon receipt, inclusive of all product documentation, and shipped within three days.

For swift product exchanges, we recommend requesting a refund and placing a new order. Allow approximately one week for your refund to be processed after we receive your return.

In the event a package or item arrives damaged, please refuse the shipment or immediately notify us (service@tabletace.com). Retain all packaging materials unless otherwise instructed by Tabletace. Claims for damaged or missing items must be made immediately or within three days of receiving your shipment. Tabletace is not liable for lost or damaged items in returned shipments.